Category: money
a million in today dollars
1 million in today’s dollars equals:
• 744k in 2029 (in 10 years)
• 550k in 2039 (in 20 years)
• 411k in 2049 (in 30 years)
• 306k in 2059 (in 40 years)
• 228k in 2069 (in 50 years)
• 169k in 2079 (in 60 years)
• 126k in 2089 (in 70 years)
- some user on /r/financialindependence back in 2019
It looks like a product but is secretly a subscription
smoke-filled dark pools
An Atonomy of Bitcoin Price Manipulation
Eh 20-ish years ago the shit happening on Island and Archipelago would blow most people’s minds. Undocumented, conditional, non-displayed order types. Routine wash trading. Shear-but-don’t skin multi-venue arbitrage. The ECNs were the Wild West. Smoke-filled dark pools. Island and Arca are NASDAQ and NYSE now. But Ben, US equities have intrinsic value unlike this BTC garbage! Well unless they pay no dividend, have dual-class share structure, and IPO without a profitable quarter. What’s a share of SNAP entitle you to exactly? Ah right, you think someone will buy it for more. Crypto will have it’s 2001-style GC cycle, the useful stuff will stick around until Goldman owns it and the SEC makes a show of regulating it, the tulip garbage will wash out leaving behind a bunch of rich guys who are really annoying because they never built anything, and we’ll go back to arguing about programming languages.